Microsoft Azure and Citrix

Citrix using Azure from Microsoft

As more businesses realise the advantages of a cloud workspace, the desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) market is anticipated to increase by 29% by 2023.

But what exactly are these advantages and how do they vary from those now present on-premises?

Desktop migration is the logical next step for companies pursuing a cloud-first strategy. There has never been a better moment to switch to more secure, affordable, and flexible desktop delivery as Citrix and Microsoft Azure continue to build a successful collaboration.

On-demand computers

  • The installation of on-premises VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure), particularly Citrix VDI, has presented a number of difficulties for businesses thus far, including:
  • significant deployment and management expenses
    Hardware failure and picture sprawl problems.

easier OS updates and migration

Over 65% of businesses have put off switching to Windows 10 until later. Desktops become sluggish and less secure when they are still bound to outmoded operating systems.By committing to a Citrix on Azure solution, it is simpler to upgrade to new Windows versions without using up all available network resources or impairing the functionality of programmes that are vital to business operations. Your staff can continue working up until the switchover because Azure’s flexibility eliminates.

For a growing workforce, quick elasticity

You should expect fluctuations in the amount of your personnel if your business is expanding. Changes in business demands are caused by seasonal employees, mergers, and acquisitions. Your business can scale on-demand and make workspace deployment easier by migrating your on-premise VDI architecture to the Azure cloud. the amount of your personnel if your business As a result, installing Windows 10, and provisioning Office 365 programmes just take a few minutes, so you don’t have to wait weeks to finish.

Azure pricing is based on a usage-based model.

Although you can spin up new PCs from a single golden image with on-premises VDI, it is very expensive. Each time a desktop is deployed, new infrastructure is required, requiring a substantial CAPEX investment that could sit idle for months at a time.Pay-per-use pricing for Azure completely eliminates CAPEX and sharply lowers OPEX as well. Citrix Cloud is an Azure subscription service, meaning you’ll only ever pay for the resources you actually utilise. Additionally, moving your VDI estate to Azure might result in a $2,015 (£1,450) per user increase in value annually.

Integrated privacy and security

Due to the complexity of their business and IT operations, 83 percent of firms claim they are vulnerable to security breaches. To minimise vulnerabilities in application and desktop distribution, secure and straight forward architecture foundations are essential.Azure offers the solid foundation and convenience of the cloud without the struggle of retraining employees to use unfamiliar tools. your PC infrastructure requirements require. In fact, 94% of Citrix on Azure users received security benefits that weren’t available Azure offers the solid foundation your PC infrastructure requirements require to them with their on-premise systems.

Construct on the Microsoft platform you already know and love.

Microsoft’s popularity is as widespread as ever, as evidenced Microsoft-based legacy systems. You can take advantage of all the freedom and convenience by the fact that 90% of the Fortune 500 use Azure. This is fantasticBy moving your Citrix environment to Azure, you get all the flexibility and convenience of the cloud without the struggle of retraining employees to use unfamiliar tools. news for businesses using Microsoft-based legacy systems. You can take advantage of all the freedom and convenience of the cloud by migrating your Citrix setup to Azure without having to go through the hassle.